Research your doctors carefully. Several years ago I refused care from a surgeon (at a military clinic) who had a similar story to this doctor – malpractice suits and complaints in several states, and medical board action in at least one state, but licensed to practice in his current state.
When I expressed alarm about his long history of dissatisfied/disabled patients, other physicians at the military clinic told me that was in the past (IOW, they knew about it, but did not care.)
What tripped my alarms about that surgeon? He refused to stop hurting me during a pre-surgery exam, even though I specifically and loudly said “STOP! You’re hurting me!”
He also told me that if my surgical site developed internal scar tissue, it was his practice to anesthetize patients and then yank violently on the limb to tear apart the scar tissue in the joint. In response to which, I thought”YOU ADMIT THAT??? No, thank you! Brute force and ignorance is NOT my preferred approach!”
BOTTOM LINE: If I can’t trust my doctor or surgical team when I’m awake and able to advocate for myself, there is NO WAY I would trust them when I’m unconscious. Trust your instincts, and do your homework. You’re the one who lives (or dies) with the consequences.
NOTE: For information on avoidance of internal scar tissue and standard practices for internal scar tissue removal see this article, this article, or this DIY video/article [I am not endorsing this product].
You will note in the second article that “manipulation under anesthesia” is a valid technique for dealing with internal scar tissue, but only AFTER gentler, non-invasive techniques have been exhausted.