A popular topic of conversation on Disability Twitter is what we carry with us when we leave our homes to help manage our conditions. Recently, my cousin asked me the same question, so I thought I’d show you all what I take with me whenever I leave my house.
[Note: I try to find small containers to use inside my bag/pack whenever possible, because ounces become pounds when you’re carrying a bag/pack for a long time.]
Safe soap. I repurposed a small spray cylinder by emptying it, cleaning it, and filling it with a soap that is safe for me to use. I react to the commercial soaps available in public bathrooms, so carrying my own soap with me allows me to wash my hands when I’m away from home.
Alcohol wipes. These have a multitude of uses, including sanitizing my hands and inhaling the vapors as an anti-nausea technique. Since I am allergic to hand sanitizer, this is what I use as an antiseptic. They’re also useful for cleaning my hands/face when I have been exposed to an allergen.
Water bottle. I actually carry two. An 800ml (27 ounce) bottle filled with filtered water for drinking, and a 12 ounce bottle filled with 8 ounces of filtered water for mixing with a medicine that requires diluting. [An 8 ounce water bottle would be more efficient and take up less room, but I couldn’t find one.]
Tissues. For runny noses, etc.
Lip balm. For dry lips.
Sunscreen. A small container of safe unscented sunscreen, meaning I don’t react to any of the ingredients. I use a mineral/barrier sunscreen for my face.
Foam ear plugs. Good for loud movies, etc. I keep a pair in a purpose-built container My Boomer Parent got at an air show. You could find something similar online. Ear plug holders are also often available at military uniform stores.
Rescue medicines. I always have migraine rescue medicines in my bag in case I have a migraine flare while I am out. I also carry Epi-Pens with me due to the risk of an anaphylactic reaction that comes with my MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.) Additionally, I always carry Benadryl liquid-gels to treat mast cell reactions.

Daily medicines. If I’m going to be gone during a time I need to take my daily medications, I make sure I have them with me. If there is any chance I might be delayed and be out when I am due to take my evening meds, I take a dose of them with me.
OTC (over the counter) medicines. The basics: NSAID; pain reliever; antacid.
Safe snacks. I carry raw almonds because they are good for a long time and don’t have to be temperature-controlled. A protein snack helps when I am getting a migraine flare. If I’m going to be gone all day, I’ll often take an RxBar as well. The carbs give me an energy boost.
Electrolytes. I often find that taking electrolytes helps reduce a migraine flare or mast cell symptoms. I prefer a brand that comes in capsules, which I can easily wash down with water. No muss, no fuss.
Ink pen. I carry an ink pen with me that has a grip that I can comfortably use.
Small notepad. So I can write things down, because my memory’s not as good as it used to be.
Sunglasses. A necessity for migraineurs.
Face mask. I carried (and used) face masks long before the pandemic, to help avoid inhaling fragrances. I use a cloth N-95 mask.
Cefaly. If I’m going to be gone all day, I take my Cefaly device with me in case I experience a migraine flare. This device stimulates the vagus nerve and helps reduce or eliminate migraine pain. I have a Cefaly Dual, which is much smaller than the original. It’s easy to take it with me in its protective case.
The Basics: phone; wallet; keys
{I would have included more pictures, but Word Press wouldn’t upload more than one for some reason.]
What do you take with you when you leave the house?