[Here’s the next post in the guest post series on healthy diet and lifestyle from Dave Banko.]
There is a lot of content available regarding the importance to weight loss of drinking plenty of fluids. I’m including this blog post for completeness, but won’t really spend a lot of time on it.
Below is a great diagram from a post called 11 Reasons Why Dehydration is Making You Fat and Sick.
Just remember to be drinking the right kinds of fluids: plenty of water (perhaps with a squeeze of lemon or other fruit/veg infusion) and green/herbal/fruit teas and limit or eliminate sugary and/or caffeinated drinks. Check the labels and you’ll be surprised how many drinks contain sugar, fructose, and a chemical sweetener.
Please contact me at daveb.uk@hotmail.com with any questions or comments. [Crew Dog: Or comment below]
[Crew Dog NOTE: For more information on proper hydration, such as getting water from foods, times when you need to increase your fluid intake, and what can happen if you drink too much water (hyponatremia), see this Mayo Clinic post.]