Once upon a time, there was a deranged-looking (or Furiously Happy) ethically-taxidermied raccoon with jazz hands named Rory. (The raccoon was named Rory, not the jazz hands because that would just be weird – plus, each hand would require its own name, no?)
Rory became a book cover, and he became one of the mascots of The Bloggess and her tribe. Rory is our mascot because he is, in The Bloggess’s own words, “broken in just the right way.” His image now appears in many guises, including buttons, keychains, and apparel.
Several months ago, I purchased various items of Rory Wear to bolster my morale. I am a chronically and debilitatingly ill veteran who is desperately fighting to complete graduate school, and I thought Rory Wear would lift my spirits and encourage me to continue the battle. (Spoiler alert: It does.)
My particular favorite is the tie-dyed Rory t-shirt. (Some of you will be familiar with the tie-dyed Rory the Raccoon t-shirt, thanks to this post.)
This shirt is like a ray of sunshine blasting through the darkness. Even if you feel like this, when you get a glimpse of Rory (with tie-dye) in a mirror you will feel a jolt of amusement. You will remember (I hope) that #DepressionLies and that you don’t have to be miserable, even if your life truly sucks (right now).
Another benefit of wearing a tie-dyed Rory t-shirt I just realized today, as I was dragging my broken and decaying body to the VA clinic, and it is this: no matter how bad you think you may look, you will probably not look as deranged as Rory; therefore, you cannot help but look better in comparison.
Also, the tie-dye is great body shape camouflage. 😀
So I rock my tie-dyed Rory the Raccoon t-shirt to remind myself to look for the good, look for the amusing, look for the joy, and fight to be #FuriouslyHappy.
(If nothing else, you’ll give other people something to talk about – “Dude, What is *up* with that shirt?”)
NOTE: Although it may sound as if I have received complimentary Rory Wear or been compensated in some way, I assure you that I paid for all of my Rory apparel out of my own pocket, no one asked me to endorse it, and The Bloggess is blissfully unaware of my blog and its contents. However, I *absolutely* endorse these products!
If you want your very own Rory apparel, you can find it here. This is not an affiliate link, and I will receive nothing. All proceeds go to support the lovely and talented Bloggess, Ms. Jenny Lawson.
NOTE: For those of you who do not know yet, Furiously Happy is Jenny Lawson’s wonderful book about dealing with mental and physical illnesses and choosing to find happiness. You can read more about it here.
NOTE: There are approximately 160 different styles of shirts. Read the details for whichever shirt interests you. The tie-dye shirt is 100% cotton, and does not irritate my allergies. However, many of the shirts contain synthetic materials. YMMV.