Whelp, One Sick Vet is two years old, so it seemed like a good time to explain how One Sick Vet came to be.
It all started with a giant metal chicken.
A friend posted this link on Facebook and I was hooked. I’ve been reading The Bloggess’s blog ever since. It was the first blog I read and followed. The “gateway” blog, so to speak.
That lead to other blogs…
First, The Bloggess’s friends, like Chookooloonks. Then I found Hyperbole and a Half and Cake Wrecks. I was entertained, and also learning from others’ experiences of dealing with significant health issues, including mental health issues.
And then Mister Money Mustache (MMM) burst on the scene. His blog lead me to other personal finance blogs. Among my favorites are J. L. Collins’s blog (you may recall I reviewed his book, The Simple Path to Wealth); J. D. Roth’s various blogs (he recently bought back his very successful blog, get rich slowly); The Military Guide (started by Doug Nordman, and focusing on financial independence for military personnel); Frugalwoods (about frugality, financial independence, and figuring out what you want out of life); the Mad FIentist; and The Military Wallet .
I also read Simplicity/Minimalism blogs, travel blogs, and health blogs.
After years of reading other people’s blogs, I eventually decided to start my own blog. Although there are various health blogs, I hadn’t found any blogs that talked about the specialized health issues of military personnel and veterans, like dealing with the military healthcare system, Tricare, and the Veterans Health Administration. So I launched this blog, and published my first post on 25 January 2016.
In honor of this blogiversary, and the blogs that inspired me, I recently made a pilgrimage to Mister Money Mustache’s World Headquarters. Here’s a picture of One Sick Vet (sporting a trademark bandana) wearing a Rory the Raccoon t-shirt in honor of @TheBloggess and standing in front of a MMM t-shirt in the window of his World HQ (@MrMoneyMustache).

I’d like to give a special shout-out to MMM for his super helpful post on How to Start a Blog, since I used that post to get started. [The post is now 5 years old, so some of the information is dated, but it is still helpful.]
I’d also like to thank the small but faithful band of contributors, readers, and supporters One Sick Vet has accumulated, especially guest blogger Dave Banko for all of his informative posts and shipmate/Wingman Doug Nordman for all of his advice and support. And, of course, Spousal Unit for putting up with all of this blog nonsense.
And now, what would you like to see *more* of on One Sick Vet? What would you like to see *less* of? What health topics would you like to learn more about?
Congratulations on blogger longevity! We’ve seen annual attrition as high as 70%, so after two years you’re in the top 10%.
I appreciate your posts on the way the VA and Tricare work (or should work). I’m sorry to say that your personal stories of joint repair and post-operation recovery are also very helpful.
Thanks – I had no idea
being too stubborn to quitdetermination could get me in the top 10%. 😀 (Probably applies to more in life than we’d care to admit.)Thanks for the feedback!